The Roswell UFO crash. A serial killer. A massive cover up, and a mysterious woman. A missing man harbors a terrible secret, and you need to shave. It can't get any worse.
How will you play the Pandora Directive?
Will you travel down "Mission Street" and always take the high road for a chance to save the world AND get the girl of your dreams? Will you throw caution out the window and take a wild ride down "Lombard Street"? Will you follow the "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and play as an opportunistic jerk just looking for a big payday? Three narrative paths leading to seven different endings make for a uniquely satisfying replayable experience. |
Awards and Accolades for Pandora Directive.
Adventure Gamers rates it in the Top 20 adventure games of all time : You will care more about the characters in this story than in any other FMV game because they are so darned real... I felt more of an emotional connection with Tex Murphy than I have with almost any adventure hero. He's so likable, so tough in the face of awful've just got to root for him.
Entertainment Weekly gives it a B+: Pandora exhibits a post apocalyptic retro-noir charm, as Murphy's plodding investigation ramifies from downtown San Francisco to the fabled UFO crash site in Roswell, N.M. The prompts in Pandora are more subtle, ranging from ''Beg for clemency'' to ''Taunt the miser'' to ''Express gender-related confusion.'' Because you never know exactly what Murphy is about to say, the game's entertainment value, at least the first time around, is exceptionally high. And the developers throw in some neat graphic tricks, too, including three fully navigable city blocks with a shimmering skyline in the background. (There's also a pleasing score by legendary folkie Richie Havens.).
Just Adventure, Adventure corner and Adventure Classic Gaming all gave Pandora a perfect 100 score.
Adventure classic gaming says: The Pandora Directive still shines truly as a brilliant piece of entertainment software.... It has a well paced story with complex character development. The videos provide a rewarding rich cinematic experience without intruding into the central element of gameplay—the puzzles. In the end, The Pandora Directive is an engaging detective adventure that mixes a futuristic story with a dash of modern real life mystery on the Roswell incident.
Some fun moments from The Pandora Directive.
Here's an interactive conversation with Louie.
The writer's perspective. A Pandora Directive walkthrough with images.
So....what will you choose?